Evaluation Tool for Intentional Living, including Unschooling and Homeschooling

The foundation of intentional living and education is knowing where you want to go.

The key to successful intentional living and education is


Sure, you can just point yourself in a direction and hope you end up at your chosen destination, and you might even be lucky enough to end up there! Most of the time, however, we don't end up exactly where we would like to be, no matter how intentional we were in the planning stages. Often, along the way, we change our minds- about the destination itself or the path we would like to take to get there. Or our planning wasn’t great. Or we didn’t have all the information. Or we simply weren’t properly prepared. Or we were wrong about any number of variables.

When we don't get exactly what we desire the first time we try, how can we be intentional about the next steps? 

What happens when we DO get where we want to go? How do we replicate that experience?

We must evaluate our desires, decisions, behaviors, and experiences so we can move on with purpose and direction, in both life and education.

You can read more about the idea of evaluation in connection with education, homeschooling, and unschooling in my blog post over here.

If you need help evaluating any experience, or progress toward any goal, I have gathered a list of my favorite journal prompts / conversation starters for you to use anytime you need them. These are especially useful for explorers and adventurers that do not submit to conventional benchmarks or standards to guide them, such as unschoolers and entrepreneurs, and anyone else living in the wilderness that is not the mainstream highway.

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